On a hot and sunny day on June 20 our Club celebrates the end of a Rotary year and a changeover meeting at the Amica on the Avenue at 1066 Avenue Road. 14 members and guests gather at the beautiful penthouse to enjoy a sumptuous lunch provided by Amica!s kitchen. President Dave Champagne completed his two years term with two Presidential Citations. Well done Forest Hill Rotary Club! Dave after receiving his president plague, passed the President’s pin to Incoming President Brandon Pratt. Dave talked about the events and achievements for his term and Brandon presented his goals and vision for his year. It was an enjoyable day of celebration and camaraderie. |
Support CallThis story is about our Amica visit.
Changeover meeting at AmicaOn a hot and sunny day on June 20 our Club celebrates the end of a Rotary year and a changeover meeting at the Amica on the Avenue at 1066 Avenue Road. 14 members and guests gather at the beautiful penthouse to enjoy a sumptuous lunch provided by Amica!s kitchen. President Dave Champagne completed his two years term with two Presidential Citations. Well done Forest Hill Rotary Club! Dave after receiving his president plague, passed the President’s pin to Incoming President Brandon Pratt. Dave talked about the events and achievements for his term and Brandon presented his goals and vision for his year. It was an enjoyable day of celebration and camaraderie.
Governor's Visit |
Backpack project for Kids in PeruThis year our backpack project for need children to Peru received great donations from members and the Rotary Club of Toronto. Our prime motivators Milo Vassallo and his wife Rita shopped and packed a record 120 backpacks for the children. Many thanks to all contributors for their donations to make this annual charitable endeavour possible.
Our Past President |
RECOGNIZING ONE OF OUR OWNOn Wednesday, December 15th, the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, Her Honour Elizabeth Dowdeswell hosted a reception in honour of Kathryn E Langley Hope, Vice Chair of Toronto Search and Rescue – Marine. Representatives of the many organizations in which Kathryn has been involved over the years were in attendance.
Christmas Social |
New Story |
Christmas Toy DriveDelta Bingo spearheads a Christmas Toy Drive for the less fortunate families every year, they called upon their sponsoring charities including the Rotary Club of Toronto-Forest Hill to help. Rotarians and friends contributed generously, allowing the purchase of many small toys for the families and their children.
Cosmetic Travel Pouches for the CommunityOrdinary household items like cosmetics are treasured preciously by the people who can not afford them especially for the poor and the homeless. Rotary Club of Toronto-Forest Hill acquired many cosmetic travel pouches to donate to women's shelters and youth centres during the difficult time at the height of the pandemic.
President's challengePresident Josie Caliendo starts her year with a challenge to all members to spend more time outdoors, taking advantage of the fabulous summer weather, walking, running, cycling staying healthy and safe. Are you reading to take up a challenge? She said, "How many kilometres can you commit to? It matters NOT the amount but the Team Spirit. Then every little bit counts! She WILL PLEDGE 1:00$ a kilometre to a max of 500:00$ From June 23 to July 22." She said, "SO I WOULD LIKE TO MAKE THIS THE FIRST UNOFFICIAL FUNDRAISER Of MY PRESIDENCY, The Virtual Team Walk. Why not? WHAT WILL EACH OF YOU PLEDGE? Once you register all families and friends can donate online in team or your name; or donate directly to you." Take short video of yourselves and also if you like, with family and friends walking and upload to website. Celebrate on YouTube July 29 at 7:00 pm when our club videos will be shown. SO WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR? Let’s now have some fun and do some good while at it!" |
Youthlink LibraryYouthlink is a registered charitable organisation dedicated to helping vulnerable and sometimes abused young people who are homeless and needed a place to stay and to recuperate. The Rotary Club of Toronto-Forest Hill decided to partner with Youthlink donated $14,000 to create an environment for the young people to learn and to get back on their feet. On August 22, 2019, 14 members and guests attended the inauguration of the Youthlink library. The beautiful plaque at the door entrance recognises our contribution towards helping the young people to stay indoors in a relaxed environment to learn and enrich themselves and become independent. Inside the library are desks with computers and Wifi to help research and learn life skills classes conducted by Youthlink. The environment is made comfortable to facilitate learning where there are many bookshelves full of reading material to encourage reading and learning. Funding of this project was made possible by the Bingo revenue the Rotary club earned through participation of Bingo assignments.
FALL CELEBRATIONOur International Fund Raiser -- Fall Celebration this year will take place on November 16. This evening of camaraderie and goodwill will replace the annual Beaujolais Night. The Guest of Honour will be Bob Rae who will be receiving the Paul Harris Award. James and Chako have graciously opened their home to the Club for this venue.The festivities begin at 6:00 PM. Full dinner, drinks and refreshments will be served. Silent Auction, Lucky Draw are featured. Tickets are now available for purchase 80$ per person. Please, sign-up by responding to the email or contact We invite all Rotarians, family and friends of The Toronto Rotary Club of Forest Hill to join us on this November evening. There are other surprise fun have arranged! Registration limited to 70 guests . Be the first to sign up! |
Support our KidsEight (8) special children who suffered from loss of relatives from the tsunami disaster in Japan in 2013 came to Toronto in SOK program sponsored by Rotary Club of Toronto-Forest Hill and members James Matsumoto and Chako Setoyama. They arrived on August 10, joined the summer camp and participated in home stay program where they stayed with host families. The children varied in age between 13 and 17 really really enjoyed Toronto and Canada during their stay. They departed Toronto on August 21 after expressing their feelings and thanking the hosting families and supporters at the farewell party on August 20 at Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre (JCCC). Special thanks to Ms. Josie Caliendo who hosted 13 year old Ms. Hanami.
President’s Gala and Christmas dinner - December 15, 2017The 2017 President ‘s Gala and Christmas dinner will be held at the Marriott Courtyard Hotel at 475 Yonge Street downtown Toronto. All Rotarians are encouraged to bring families and friends to join in with the holiday festivities. Cost for fine food, wine and entertainment will be $75 per person. |
Backpack project for school children in St. Lucia
Meeting-Feb 23 2017 |
Annual Holiday PartyAnnual Holiday PartyVenue: Courtyard Marriott
Date: December 15, 2016
Our Annual Forest Hill Rotary Club Holiday Lunch was well attended.
Rotarians and their families as well as representatives of the 13 Charities we support were present to enjoy our Turkey Dinner.
Highlight of the event was a special presentation made by District Governor Jim Loutitt and our own Past Governor David In
Rotarian Jim Moore was recognized for Distinguished Service to the Rotary Club of Toronto Forest Hill. We are all so proud of you Jim !
Inauguration of the concrete outdoor ping pong table - Givenchy-en-Gohelle Gauthier Clausse, president of the Rotary Club of Arras in the heart of Artois, participated in the inauguration of the concrete outdoor ping pong table donated by the members and friends of the Rotary Club of Toronto- Forest Hill and installed in the park in Givenchy-en-Gohelle as a memorial to the soldiers who died at Vimy Ridge in World War I. Even though the weather was cold and windy, with rain and sleet, the kind of weather endured by the soldiers during the battle of Vimy Ridge, there was warmth in the hearts of all present. The rugged table saw some vigorous rounds of ping pong played despite the weather!Pierre Senechal, the mayor of Givenchy, presided and the presidents of the Rotary Club of Noeux les Mines, Jerome Thomas, and of Lens-Lievin, Jean-Claude Vanoverberghe also participated as did Hughes Polveche, member of the Lens-Lievin Club and a resident of Givenchy.
Remembrance Day - November 10, 2016Guest Speaker Capt. Cheng Xu with former Rotary District Governor-David Ing on Remembrance day
Brief Bio - Guest speaker
I chose the Canadian Infantry Corps because I believed that the best way to repay the debt that I owe to this country is through the most physical forms of labour possible. That value is achieved when it is exchanged through sweat, tears, and blood. In my eyes, there is little fate nobler than placing one’s and only mortal body between the beloved home and war’s desolation.
Capt. Cheng Xu
Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada
“Making a difference”Forest Hill Rotary outdoor ping pong tables at Cross Lake First Nation
Kids and adults playing Ping Pong in the First Nations Community of Cross Lake in Northern Manitoba. The tables, plus ping pong bats, balls and T-shirts were given to the youth of Cross Lake as a concrete expression of our Club’s friendship and support for them.
Weekly meeting - April 7,2016Guest speaker - Sheila ReesRegional Director "Make-A-Wish"Our club secretary, Kathy Verduyn, presented Sheila Rees, the regional director for the Toronto and Central Ontario Chapter of "Make-A-Wish" with a certificate of appreciation for being our guest speaker on Thursday, May 7th. Sheila was truly passionate about the organization's mission to bring hope, strength, and joy to children with life-threatening medical conditions through the granting of magical, life-transforming wishes. Her presentation was informative, inspiring, insightful and laid the groundwork for "a one time only" fundraiser in support of Make-A-Wish and its mission from June to September. More details to follow in the weeks ahead. In her role with Make-A-Wish, Sheila is driven by the foundation's vision to grant the wish of every eligible child in Canada and advocates that a wish-come-true is not just "a nice to have" but "a must have" for a critically-ill child and their family.25 club members and friends of Rotary who attended this luncheon meeting certainly gained a deeper appreciation of "the power of a wish". Past District Governor, David Ing Inducts Tanveer Kazmi, Our Newest Member.At this meeting we celebrated the induction of our newest club member, Tanveer Kazmi. the wife of Ali Kazmi. Tanveer is the 4th new member to join our club since January Ist.
She truly understands the meaning of "service above self" and will definitely help "our small club with a huge heart" move forward in continuing to make a difference both in the local and the
global communities which we serve.
50/50 Draw
Danny won the raffle but could not draw the right card. Pot continues to grow
Where to play Outdoor Ping Pong |
Weekly meeting - March 3, 2016Guest speakers of the week:The Rev'd Megan Jull - Assistant Curate The Church of the Redeemer.
Elaine Rosenberg - Tornto Foundation for Student Success
This week meeting we invited the representative of two organizations which are supported by the club out of Bingo earnings.
Elain told the members that Toronto Foundation for Student Success (TFSS) founded in 1998 with a mission to provide proper nutrition to the children in schools. SHe said that in 1998 they served almost 11000 meals everyday which is now jumped to 170000 meals across the city. She also briefed the audience about the efforts TFSS is making to improve the health care for the needy students. Elain concluded her presentation by thanking the club members for their continued support.
While inviting Meagan our elect President briefed the members about the Drop in program of the Church of Redeemer which is providing the safe community space in Toronto for marginalized, homeless and socially isolated people.
Megan began her talk by sharing a story about a regular participant named James, who has the Bipolar disorders. Due to his health condition he completely lost all his trust and almost ended all the relationships and was too scared to talk to anyone. Eventually over the period of time it was discovered that he is trained as a Chef. James started working as a Chef in kitchen and become a useful member of the organization. So the People who come to Redeemer not only physically hungry but their soul is hungry too and it is the job of society to rebuild their employment history.
She conclude her presentation by appreciating the club saying "You are a small but a mighty club"
Weekly Club meeting - February 25, 2016Weekly meeting - February 25, 2016Any day at Rotary is a good day but when we add new member it's a GREAT day. Past District Governor David Ing welcomed Kathryn Langley Hope as our newest member. Kathryn, a long time Rotarian and well known to our club, has been a regular visitor as well as a participant in many of our events. WELCOME KATHRYN!!! Also at Thursday's meeting we met Thea Enns, a recent U of T grad who we are assisting in a Rotary Global Grant Scholarship Application to take her Masters of Science degree at Oxford University in England. She has been accepted in Migration Studies and upon graduation, hopes to focus on growing local economies, supporting grass roots organizations and encouraging community development within the framework of refugee and migration issues. Thea is a focused and committed young woman who can make a difference in our world. Jim, presented two motions at the meeting for approval from club members. 50/50 DrawMichael Alberto won the ticket but could nt draw the right card. Money Jar continue to grow. |
Luncheon with Honorable Bob Rae |
Luncheon with The Honorable Bob Rae - January 21, 2016Guest Speaker: Bob Rae - Member of the Canadian House of Commons
Robert Keith "Bob" Rae, PC CC Ont QC is a lawyer, negotiator, public speaker and former Canadian politician. He was the Member of Parliament for Toronto Centre and was the interim leader of the Liberal Party of Canada from 2011 to 2013
The Hon. Bob Rae spoke about his lifetime in politics and law. He gave a wide ranging talk in which reminisced about his time as the first new Democratic Party Premier of Ontario, his hiatus from politics when he worked as a lawyer and mediator internationally and with First Nations’ people in Canada, and his return to politics as a Liberal MP and eventually Acting Leader of the Opposition in the Federal Parliament. He described the ways in which politics has changed over the years, from the more respectful demeanor of politicians in his early days in politics to the more partisan and rancorous behavior of more recent years. He expressed the confidence that under the leadership of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau a sunnier approach to politics will emerge.
Club weekly meeting November 12, 2015Guest Speaker: David Ing-Past District Governor
Topic:Role of Rotary Foundation
Past District Governor David Ing presented a detailed review of TRF, The Rotary Foundation,to the club at our Thursday lunch.
He described how the contributions are managed and distributed as well as how they can be accessed. PDG David finished by calling the 3 past Presidents to the front to receive Paul Harris Fellowships, a fitting finish to Celebrate Foundation Month.
Receiving the Awards are Iosif Ciosa, Rod Verduyn, and Kathy Verduyn |
5th Annual Veterans' Remembrance Day LuncheonThe annual remembrance special meeting when we pause to remember the soldiers that have sacrificed their lives for our freedom.... we welcome the veterans to share with us their stories... we honour their dedication and sacrifice.
Guest Speaker and author Blake Heathcote
Director of Testaments of Honor-The Testaments of Honour Project's mandate is to record, on digital video, the personal histories of Canadian veteransTelling stories has been the focus of my life for the past thirty-five years. I began my career in the theatre as a writer and director, working across Canada, on Broadway, and in the UK Read more...
In a post lunch session Black Heathcot narrated a captivating story about a Fighter pilot, prisoner of war, and a key tunneller in the Great Escape
Click play button to hear a complete story.
Ping Pong Table - Media CoverageA Battle of Table Tennis at Permanent TableGreat sight for the Rotarian.
Ping Pong tournament at Monarch Park. being played on 27th September to celebrate the arrival of Out Door Ping Pong Table
Rotary District Foundation WalkThe 2015 Foundation Walk was a great success, a beautiful walk "City Meets Nature" that started at Morningside Park, on to Centennial College, Toronto PanAm Sports Center, University of Toronto Scarborough Campus, Highland Creek, PanAm Tennis Courts and back to Morningside Park.Our club was involved in the organization of the walk form the beginning to the end. A strong turnout from our club; Jim, Nasir, Maggie, Sonam, Marvin, Lori, Nadia, thank you for coming out and supporting the Foundation. It was a great time for fellowship with Rotarians from different clubs from our district.
Blue ocean strategy- a copy of book presented to IosifToken of appreciation by club members to Iosif-Past President Club members presented Immediate Past-President, Iosif Ciosa, with a copy of the book “Blue Ocean Strategy” as token of appreciation for his leadership and efforts over the past year. Iosif gave a talk on this topic in Dec/14 and the book is an appropriate way to recall his speech and the future focus of his term as Club President. Each club member autographed the book and thanked him for his service in their own words. The meeting concluded with a photo of current President Leo Jean-Baptiste and visiting Club President Jack Fleming (Etobicoke) presenting the book to Iosif.
Copy of Club Weekly Meeting-September 3, 2015Club initiative to enhance exposure in academic circles.
During this week's club meeting, Antoine briefed the members about his upcoming project involving the youth in the Canadian Institute of Egypt. The objective of this project is to invite and motivate young people who are currently a part of the Canadian Institute in Egypt to join Rotaract in Egypt and Canada. Antoine spoke in detail about the benefits of his project to our club,Rotaract and Canadian Institute of Egypt. 50/50 Draw
Antoine had the winning ticket - he asked Mami our guest to pick the card- not a winner - the pot keeps growing
Happy Bucks James was happy that he had a grand son.
Anoine was happy to have Mami as our guest for the day.
Fe received CNE tickets to enjoy the Toronto tradition of the CNE which ends labour day.
40th Ping Pong Table Installed!On July 28, the 40th ping pong table was installed at Fountainhead Park. Dianne Moore, the inspiration for this initiative, has worked tirelessly to promote the installation of outdoor ping pong tables across Toronto. As a result, outdoor ping pong is a growing sport in Toronto, where eager players wait for their turn to play and youth have an opportunity for fun and available outdoor play. This latest ping pong table was made possible thanks to the donation by our club and by James Matsumoto and Chako Setoyama.
Our speaker Elin Beaumont / Azrieli FoundationWe were pleased to host the Azrieli Foundation at our Rotary Club of Toronto Forest Hill - Yorkville. Our speaker, Elin Beaumont has been with the Azrieli Foundation for seven years as their Educational Outreach and Events Coordinator. Elin has planned and organized numerous educational events across the country and has created programs to enlighten governments, schools and the general public about the importance of Holocaust remembrance. We listened and watched video about the powerful stories of Holocaust survivors. This not only serves as a reminder of the atrocities of the Holocaust, but also raises awareness about important values and the continued importance of protecting human rights. The Azrieli Foundation’s Holocaust Survivor Memoirs Program collects and publishes stories written by Holocaust survivors who came to Canada after the war. Each story is a personal account of survivor's experience before, during and after the war, providing readers with a deeper understanding of the Holocaust. All Rotarians and guests have received a free copy of one of the memoirs published by the Azrieli Foundation.
Please let this be a reminder to BE A GIFT TO THE WORLD – like Elin Beaumont and the Azrieli Foundation! |
Forest Hill Members Welcome New President, Leo Jean-BaptisteJuly-2015
Forest Hill Rotarians and guests welcomed our newest President, Leo Jean-Baptiste. Leo gave a great speech on building the club and retaining members, all while having some fun! His goals for the year are to increase club membership, engage in more Bay/Bloor projects, create business oriented fellowship activities, and support the Rotary Foundation.
A short quote from Leo: "Already Rotary has done much to change the world. We have just celebrated the eradication of Polio in India and we are so close to have a world polio free with less than about 50 cases worldwide. Thousands of projects serving millions of people around the world have improved so many different aspects of people’s lives"
We are looking forward to Leo planning a great year for the club.
Fellow Rotarian, Kathy Verduyn, Addresses Club MembersFellow Rotarian, Kathy Verduyn, gave a speech today about education in Ontario. On June 9, 2015, the Ontario Ministry of Education is going to launch a new strategy for international education in its K-12 schools.Key areas of focus include the benefits of global education and experience for Ontario students and educators, the benefits to our schools, communities and economy of international students studying in Ontario schools, and benefits to our post-secondary institutions when international students continue their studies in Ontario.
Kathy has been leading the development of the strategy document within her role as Director of Field Services at the Ministry of Education. She will share the story behind the strategy and the next steps as the strategy is rolled out across the 72 school boards in Ontario.
Rotarians Meet to Discuss Upcoming EventsRotarians met today to take care of some housekeeping as well as to discuss upcoming events. Rotary President, Iosif Ciosa, reminded club members to sign up for Ribfest and donate their time to make it a successful week.
Also, James and Chako will again host a charity dinner party for "Support Our Kids", an initiative that supports children affected by the tsunami and earthquake in Japan. This year, some of the proceeds will also support those affected by the earthquake in Nepal. A great cause, happening on June 21st, 2015.
Celebrating Polio Eradication With Rotary FlameWe are honoured and privileged to have the Rotary Flame at our meeting, a symbol of the great strides made by Rotary clubs around the world to eradicate polio. There is a particular focus on celebrating and sustaining the eradication of polio in India as part of the "Keep India Polio-Free" campaign. The campaign began following the declaration by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2014 that South-East Asia is polio-free. The Rotary Flame will end its journey in June at the Rotary International Convention in Sao Paulo Brazil, after its travel to eight countries, including today's special meeting.
Past District Governor, David Ing, spoke today and provided further information about polio eradication efforts and the involvement of Rotary in this initiative.
Father Ed from Good Shepherd Ministries Addresses Club MembersFather Ed Keays has been the Chaplain of Good Shepherd Ministries for almost 12 years. His talk focused on the great benefit Rotarians bring to the spirit of volunteerism, and the need to focus on caring for our brothers and sisters as the Rotary Club of Toronto - Forest Hill truly does. Good Shepherd Ministries make concrete the need to help and care for others by focusing on the less advantaged of our community. Loving care for the needs of hungry bellies, drug and alcohol addiction along with mental health assessment and referral are the main priorities of the Good Shepherd Ministries.
Dianne Moore Speaks About Her Ping Pong ProjectForest Hill Rotarian, Dianne Moore, addressed club members today about her ping pong project. Dianne's inspiration came from her childhood, when she would play with her dad on a daily basis. She believes that everyone should have access to the game. Over 20 tables have been installed in public parks and squares across the City, and Dianne has been featured in BlogTO, The Star and many other publications.
Membership Matters!Fellow Forest Hill Rotarian, Norman Waite, addressed club members today. Norm gave a great talk on membership and the importance of engaging new people. President Iosif elected Norm to be the head of the Membership Committee, and Norm, in turn has asked all the members of the club to speak to the people in their network, engage them and introduce them to the club.
New Member Classification TalksNew members, Patrick Curtis and Jennifer Chiu, gave their classification talks today. We had a great turnout and members loved hearing their stories. We're privileged to have Patrick and Jennifer as part of our club!
Michael Willius Addresses Club MembersFounder of the St. Lucia Backpack Project, Mr. Michael Willius, joined Rotary members today. Our Club donated more than 30 backpacks filled with items for students to the St. Lucia Backpack Project.
Spring Happy Hour at The National ClubRotary Forest Hill's Spring Happy Hour was a hit! National Club hosted us once again and the members had a great time. We were joined by members, guests and family as everyone joined a glass of wine and delicious canapes. Here's to the next one!
Downsizing and Transition Programs For SeniorsMonica Black addressed club members today about relocation services for seniors. Easy Transition, a highly personalized senior move management organization that provides a wide range of planning and relocation services that are tailored to meet the specific needs of their clients, making every move “simple and easy”. Monica brings her diverse background of working in the health care industry to managing marketing events for corporate clients like Loblaws, Hyundai and Scotiabank and her own personal experience in assisting her grandparents in the downsizing process. Monica is not only a certified relocation specialist but an author, speaker and coach. She is the co-chair of The Integrated Partnership for Seniors and one of the cofounders of the Touching Base Seniors and Boomers Expo group.
A Condominium: The Community Within a CommunityStan Morris addressed club members today about property management in the condo world. Stan joined Brookfield in 2010 as Regional Manager. He has extensive experience in the service industry with a focus on customer care. Stan spent over 25 years in facilities and residential property management and staff development. Stan holds an RMC Diploma from the Association of Property Managers of Ontario. Stan's experience includes managing several large condominium sites. The Regional Manager's responsibility that he now holds includes responsibility for directing a team of property managers and staff in up to 25 buildings in the Toronto area.
Stan has been involved in major restoration projects including chiller replacement, completer driveway restoration and energy retrofits. He is active in the industry and is currently a member of the Ontario Regional Membership Committee for the Association of Property Managers of Ontario. In other news, clubs members were reminded about EREY - Every Rotarian Every Year, where club members donate $100 a year to a great cause! |
Richard McCallum of Spinal Cord Injury Canada Address Club MembersRichard McCallum is the Lead Employment Specialist for the Employment Services team at Spinal Cord Injury Ontario. He graduated from the University of Toronto with BSc. Physical Geography. He has over 14 years’ experience working with people who have a physical disability as a Job Coach and Job Developer. He has been at SCI Ontario for over 6 years as a Job Developer and has assisted people with a physical disability or partially sighted/blind find and maintain meaningful employment in a variety of positions- some that are rather unique. He is always looking for opportunities to help people find employment!
Richard provided an explanation of their employment services, the merits of hiring people with physical disabilities, and ways to assist businesses find suitable staff with physical disabilities or low vision/blind challenges. He also provided examples of types of jobs that SCI Ontario candidates have performed over the past few years.
Bing Bai Addresses Club MembersBing Bai, a Chinese student studying in Ontario spoke about the phenomenon of Chinese students studying abroad. Bing explored the reasons for this and the associated challenges. He included his own experiences here in Ontario as he pursues a Master of Education Degree at Queen's University.
Bing is currently an M.Ed student at Queen's University. His research interests focus on social justice issues in Education. Prior to Queen's, Bing worked at a marketing research industry in China.
In other news, President Iosif Ciosa, updated club members on the club's RibFest initiative, which runs from June 27-July 1, 2015. The Forest Hill club has a VIP tent set up in front of the main stage. This will be the club's first year managing the tent.
President, Iosif Ciosa, on Blue Ocean StrategyIosif Ciosa, Rotary Forest Hill's very own President, addressed club members today in an engaging presentation on Blue Ocean Strategy: How to create uncontested market space and make competition irrelevant. Iosif is the Managing Director at Ciosa Marketing and Business Development Consultants. He has held this position since 2003. Ciosa Marketing and Business Development Consultants is a business consultancy firm that offers custom business solutions, targeted to small to medium sized enterprises.
Today's guests included Daniela Spirlac, Elitza Yardinov and Monica Black.
Antoine Hirsch, Fellow Rotarian, Addresses Club MembersAntoine Hirsch, fellow Rotarian, addressed club members today about the challenges and achievements of the Canadian Institute of the dig site of Tel er-Rub'a (Mendes) in Egypt. Antoine is an Egypotologist and a Director of the Canadian Institute in Egypt.
The Institute's raison d'etre includes facilitating and creating long-lasting relationships between post-secondary students from both countries, in order to foster a greater understanding and appreciation of the culture of Canada in Egypt - and of Egypt in Canada. The Canadian Institute in Egypt is recognized by protocols signed in September 1982 by the Canadian and Egyptian governments. The Institute promotes study and research in the educational, scientific, cultural, technical and archeological and historical fields.
Mark Garner, President of the Downtown Yonge BIA, Addresses Club MembersMark Garner, President of the Downtown Yonge BIA, addressed club members. Yonge Street, famous as the longest street in the world and boasting some of the highest foot traffic in the city, runs through the heart of the Downtown Yonge Business Improvement Area. Mark is very much in demand as a speaker and it's a tier one event you won't want to miss!
Martini Night at The National ClubRotarians celebrated at the Club's first Martini Night of the year. Many guests were in attendance, as well as members from other Rotary Clubs around the city. Drinks were enjoyed by all and Michael Lloyd was the winner of the prize. Until the next one!
Bob Fabian Speaks About The 3rd AgeBob Fabian addressed club members with a very engaging presentation about the 3rd Age, age of retirement and work commitments. Bob is a retired management and systems consultant. He has an interest in systems and the professionals who work with them. He believes the commitment to trustworthy behaviour is the most basic and vital part of being a professional.
Club AssemblyForest Hill Rotarians met today to discuss their club's goals and progress for the year.
Jill O'Donnell Address Club MembersForest Hill Rotarians were pleased to hear from dynamic speaker Jill O'Donnell today! Jill is the President of IRIS: Consulting for Seniors Inc., formally Complete Geriatric Care, the first entity of its kind in Canada. It is a client-centered consulting service established in 1981 to meet the total needs of seniors. She is well known in the field of gerontology and as a specialist in aging issues. Jill pioneered the concept of care management in the private sector. Her specific interest is in the treatment and housing of frail elders and those suffering from cognitive impairment. Recognizing a need for a forum for people helping older adults, Jill started The Elder Connection, a networking breakfast in 1994. When moving clients from their homes into other settings was an issue, Jill established Elder Moves in 1996, a complete move management service.
Katie Lowe, YMCA Manager of Programming, Address Club MembersYMCA Manager of Programming, Katie Lowe, gave a heartfelt and informative presentation to Club members. The YMCA is a value-based organization and charity. The organization started in England over 160 years ago and has been in Toronto for over 100 years now. The oldest location is at College and Dovercourt. The YMCA is the largest child car provider across the country and there is a new strategic plan in place called Strong Start Great Future for children, teens and young adults.
In other news, The Presidents Gala is coming up in March and Martini Night is scheduled for February. So far, $100 has been raised by Milo for the Peruvian cause and $400 raised by the Forest Hill Rotary Club.
Local Councillor, Kristyn Wong-Tam, Address Forest Hill MembersLocal Councillor, Kristyn Wong-Tam, addressed Forest Hill members today. Councillor Wong-Tam was re-elected to Ward 27 on October 27, 2014. Today, Councillor Wong-Tam spoke to members about the 2025 World Expo, and the idea of putting in a bid to bring the World Fair to Toronto. Winning the bid would allow for 40 million visitors into the city, increase GDP as well as increase jobs. Leaders and Civil members across Canada have been approached about the idea and are in favour of bringing the Expo to Toronto.
Rotarian, Milo Vassallo, continues to raise money for a village in Peru and asks for our support. Last year, $2000 was raised, of which, $500 was donated from the Club.
We had many guests today, including members from the Toronto Rotary Club, members of a Rotary club in Brazil, and members of the Downtown Toronto Residents Assocation.
Holiday Message from the President,I was overjoyed to welcome everyone to the Rotary Club of Toronto-Forest Hill’s Annual Holiday Luncheon on Thursday, December 18, 2014.
At this time of year we gather to celebrate the festive season. The Rotary Club of Toronto-Forest Hill has a long tradition of celebrating the holiday season with members, family, friends and the charities that we support. We come together to share Christmas cheer and to reflect on the gifts of fellowship and friendship that we have enjoyed throughout the year. In the tradition of our club we present our annual contribution to our charities.
This year at our Holiday Luncheon we inducted two new members in our Rotary Club of Toronto-Forest Hill family; Mr. Antoine Hirsch and Mr. Rocco Achampong, a true gift to our club at this magical time of year.
My warmest wishes for a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
Lauren Jawno, Personal Fitness and Wellness Expert, Addresses ClubLauren, a Certified High Performance Coach and Author, addressed club members today. Lauren's clients are those who are motivated and ready to take their lives to reach limits of a whole new level of engagement and boldness. She has covered many miles building her almost two decade career that set her apart from the rest. Her years of experience and her accumulated credentials in education, nutrition, fitness, psychology and spirituality, along with her ability to fine tune goals and challenges from her multiple modalities, qualify her to deliver solid solutions.
Rocco Achampong, long time guest of Rotary Forest Hill, will be inducted into the club at our Holiday luncheon next week!
Club AssemblyClub members met to hear about their club's progress in meeting its goals for the year. Topics discussed were the Foundation, Membership, Public Relations and Service Projects. The treasurer updated the group and important motions required the participation of all club members.
Special Lunch and Speakers at The National ClubBill Morari, General Manager of the National Club, hosted Forest Hill Rotarians and friends of the club for lunch. Bill spoke about the history and current focus of the National Club, including the club's new initiatives to seek younger members. The National Club has become one of the member's favourite venues for special events, like our Martini Nights. Members enjoyed mingling and our usual first-class cuisine!
Happy Birthday Forest Hill!Happy Birthday Forest Hill! The 30th of October 2014 represented 62 years since the Rotary Club of Toronto-Forest Hill has been chartered. Members, family and friends of the club celebrated the 62nd birthday with a potluck dinner. Craig Andrews, Luisa Armstrong and their daughter Brownyn Andrews hosted the Birthday Potluck dinner in the party room at their condo building. The evening was a great success. Rotarians reconnected, enjoyed each other's company, enjoyed great food, wine and cake!
Jim Moore and Milo Vassallo were recognized with membership pins. David Ing, Past President and District Governor and Iosif Ciosa, current President places pins on Jim and Milo.
President of the Japanese Canadian Culture Centre Addresses Club MembersGary Kawaguchi, President of the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre (JCCC), spoke with the club about the impact of the internment of Canadian citizens of Japanese descent on the 137 year history of Japanese Canadian settlement. Mr. Kawaguchi also described the connection of this historical backdrop to the formation of the JCCC.
Rotary members, James and Chako spoke about the children who came to visit through Support Our Kids. A Certificate of Appreciation was sent from Japan and presented to Kathy and Rod for opening up their homes to the children. Rod said a few words about their experience and how happy they both were to host the children.
The Marriage of Fit and FatTrish and Brian came and spoke to us about the marriage of Fit and Fat. They discussed the benefits of certain fats (chocolate is allowed within measure), which helps in keeping the cells integrity. Marrying proper eating with exercise elevates the quality of life.
Brian Horwath joined the luncheon as Leo's guest. Club members sang Happy Birthday to Nadia who also had the winning ticket for the draw. Unfortunately she drew the Jack of Diamonds, so the pot keeps growing.
Sick Kids Tour of Center for Applied Genomics led by Nobel Prize Nominee, Stephen SchererA group of 20 Forest Hill Rotarians had the privilege of touring the Center for Applied Genomics at Sick Kids Hospital today. The tour was lead by a member of Nobel Prize winner Stephen Scherer's team. Rotarians were also excited to learn about DNA extraction, and had the chance to do so as well. Each member took home a vile of DNA which was extracted from a strawberry. We thank fellow Rotarian, Diane Moore, for setting up this fun and educational trip!
Al Warren and Rahim Addetia Address RotariansAl Warren and Rahim Addetia addressed club members today, speaking about the cloud, security and privacy concerns. It was a very engaging meeting with members asking many questions. In the virtual world that we live in, there is great importance in accessing files from different devices and geographical locations in a secure manner. They work for a Canadian organization that hosts all the data here in Canada, governed by Canadian privacy laws.
Martini Night at The National ClubToronto Forest Hill members enjoyed Martini Night at The National Club, organized by fellow member Milo Vassallo. Guests included fellow Rotary Presidents from the York, Woodbridge, Don Mills, Twilight and Scarborough club. A wonderful pianist provided the group with music as they mingled and caught up with old friends.
Foundation Walk 21st September 2014Eleven members and friends of the Forest Hill Club have joined the annual foundation walk. The morning started with a rain storm, as the starting time was getting closer the sky cleared the sun came out and it was a great walk from Chorus Key on through the Distillery District, St. James Park, The Hockey Hall of Fame, St. Lawrence Market back to Sugar Beach for a BBQ. An enjoyable walk to support the Rotary Foundation, connect with other Rotarians and friends while visiting some of Toronto's landmarks.
Choppy Waters: The Ins and Outs of Representation in Real EstateFarrell MacDonald, Toronto based residential Real Estate Agent with Royal LePage, spoke of the ins and outs of representation. Farrell has served on his brokerage's advisory board as well as on the Canadian and International advisory committees dedicated to developing and maintaining the highest level of educational and technological standards in the industry.
Guests at today's luncheon included Katherine Babony and Linda Raney, fellow Rotarians from the Whitby club, Seun Obikoya, from the Toronto Sunrise club and Elitza Yordanov.
CEO of Gardiner Museum, Kelvin Browne, Addresses ClubKelvin Browne is the Executive Director and CEO of the Gardiner Museum in Toronto. Prior to this he held several positions at the Royal Ontario Museum inlcuidng Managing Director of the Institute of Contemporary Culture and Vice President of Marketing and Major Exhibitions. Kelvin is well known as a magazine as newspaper columnist about design, and wrote the book Bold Visions, about the architecture of the ROM.
He has an M. Arch from the University of Toronto. He was born in Penticton, B.C. and graduated from St. John's-Ravenscourt School in Winnnipeg before attending university.
Ellen Schwartzel Speaks About Climate ChangeEllen Schwartzel addressed club members about the different issues we are facing with climate change. Insurance companies have seen the rise in issues in the past number of years as claims have gone up and the largest contributors of pollution are vehicles, industry, power stations and live stock. Ontario is working to meet the challenges of the changes we are facing.
We had two visitors today - Candence Berry, guest of Kathy Verduyn, and past member Jason Chan.
Forest Hill and Eglinton Club Feature Mayoral Candidate John ToryForest Hill and Eglinton Club welcomed Mayoral Candidate, John Tory, to speak to 55 guests and members. Those in attendance were excited to hear Mr. Tory speak about his campaign and answer questions regarding issues that matter to the public. The 2014 Mayoral Election will take place on October 27th. Make sure you go out and vote!
Otilia Kiss Educates Members about Healthy EatingOtilia Kiss spoke to enthusiastic members today about healthy eating. Otilia stressed the importance of an alkaline diet and the correct way to breathe. Rotarian, Sonam, volunteered to demonstrate her breathing technique. Otilia mentioned that after the age of 30 most people breathe incorrectly and the correct way is through the stomach and not the chest!
President, Iosif Ciosa, Presents Club Assembly to MembersForest Hill President, Iosif Ciosa, presented the Club Assembly to members today. Key facts were discussed for the year as well as the President's goals. Members responded positively to the presentation and we look forward to the coming year! Iosif left us with a great quote "Do What You Can, Where You Are, With What You Have".
SOK2014 Welcome PartyMembers of the Japanese Canadian Culture Centre, Rotary of Forest Hill and many others helped welcome ten tsunami survivors from Japan today. The kids gave mini speeches about their experiences and what they hope for the future. They were very happy to be in Canada and were introduced to their host families. We look forward to hearing about all the fun they have while in Toronto!
New District Governor, Brian Thompson, Address Club MembersOur new District Governor, Brian Thompson, accompanied by the assistant district governor Steve Mastoras made the first official visit to our club today. Members welcomed him as he shared his goals as our new District Governor. The theme of the 2014-2015 year is "Light up Rotary". Brian assisted David Ing, Steve Mastoras and Iosif Ciosa in the induction of two new members: Jennifer Chiu and Patrick Curtis.
Milo Vassallo Donates Funds to Iquitos, PeruMilo Vassallo presented a cheque at our weekly meeting for Iquitos, Peru.
Visiting Rotarians From Dunblane Scotland Address ClubSean and Jill Adams, from Dunblane, Scotland joined us during their visit to Ontario this summer. Jill is a member of the Rotary Club of Bridge of Allan and Dunblane and is the officer responsible for Interact and Youth Services. Sean is a historian and political activist who shared some Scottish history with us, and the club members had a great time learning something new!
Club Achieves President's Citation and Membership Development Awards |
Mayoral Candidate Olivia Chow Addresses the Club |
Iosif Ciosa Addresses Club as New President |
Mayoral Candidate Olivia Chow Addresses Club MembersMayoral Candidate, Olivia Chow, addressed club members today with an engaging speech followed by some tough yet insightful questions from Rotary members. Rotary Forest Hill was pleased to host the Eglinton Club at this event.
President Rod's Final Meeting as President |
Charity Garden Party for Support Our Kids |
Support Our Kids Charity Garden PartyJames and Chako, both longtime members of Rotary Club Toronto - Forest Hill, graciously hosted a Charity Garden Party at their home with friends, family and fellow Rotarians. The goal was to raise funds for incoming Japanese student visitors, all while enjoying a delicious meal with a live auction, entertainment and more. This will be the second group of students, who were impacted by the earthquake in Japan, to visit Canada and hopefully have amazing experiences to take back home with them.
Books for Haiti Project |
Club Celebrates Ping Pong Table at St. Michael's College |
Lifetime is the Game: a great way to interact with seniors! |
New Member Abdollah Barghi Addresses Club Members |
Haitian Ambassador Frantz Liautaud Addresses Club Members |
New Member, Leobrun Jean Baptiste, Addresses Club Members |
New Member, Nadia Kalnieva, Addresses Club Members |
Trump Aids Walk Raises Over $38 000 |
President's Gala 2014 a Great Success! |
Welcome to new member: Abdollah Kafshbarghi |
Business Leader and Author, Bruce Hunter, Addresses the Club |
Club Welcomes Newest Member, Aneeta GillAneeta was welcomed to the Club in a ceremony conducted by Past District Governor David Ing and confirmed by club members with a hearty round of applause. Aneeta is our fourth member to join our club in the last few weeks and is joined by Leo, Nadia and Norm with President Rod. We look forward to hearing classification talks from all new members in the months to come. |
Michael Lloyd Speaks on GeneologyPast President Michael Lloyd made an interesting presentation regarding his quest to track down his family history. The resourceful Michael was able to explain how he was able to find his forbearers going back multiple generations with only his laptop. Michael made his notes and methodology available to all club members who may wish to do a similar search. Michael was thanked by President Rod and a donation was made to Landmines in his name. |
Captain Mark McQueen Addresses RotariansThe Rotary Club of Toronto - Forest Hill was honoured to be addressed by Captain Mark McQueen and his guest, Commander Tim O'Leary, the Commanding Officer of HMCS York. Captain McQueen spoke of the role of the Canadian Navy in the interdiction of drug shipments from South America to terrorist organizations around the world. Commander O'Leary answered questions related to the importance of a Canadian naval presence in sovereign waters in the arctic region of Canada. |
Two New Members Welcomed to Rotary Club of Toronto-Forest HillThe Rotary Club of Toronto-Forest Hill was delighted to induct two new members at its meeting on Feb. 6, 2013: Nadia Kalnieva and Norm Waite. Nadia was born and grew up in the Ukraine. She has an exceptional and diverse educational background, having studied Decorative and Applied Arts, as well as Folkloric and Ethnographic Studies at the PhD level. Nadia and her husband Stefan currently own and operate S & Sons Moving, voted #1 of the top five moving companies in Toronto. Nadia and Stefan have two sons who are both competitive gymnasts on Team Ontario. Norm graduated from New York University with a Master's Degree in Psychology. He's a retired bilingual educator who was a teacher, principal and acting superintendent. He has excellent leadership experience as President of Opera Place Condominium and Past-President of Bay Cloverhill Community Association. He is an active supporter of Toronto's Out of the Cold Program. He has two children and and 4 grandchildren. President Rod Verduyn and all club members extend a warm welcome to our two newest members!
The Honourable Dr. Carolyn Bennett, MP, Returns to Address the ClubClub members were delighted to welcome the Honourable Dr. Carolyn Bennett, Liberal MP, as guest speaker on Jan. 16. Dr. Bennett is the daughter of Charter Member of our club, Jack Bennett, who began the tradition of having roses delivered to every club meeting. President Rod presented a dozen beautiful roses to Dr. Bennett as a thank you for her address, "Idle Know More". |
Erin Pleizer is off to South Africa!Rotarian Erin Pleizier received a cheque from the club for her volunteer work with the Sarva Dharma Ashram. Erin will work for 4 weeks in Africa, providing clothing, primary health care, literacy support while also feeding 3 500 people per week! We commend Erin and her Rotary Spirit and look forward to hearing about her trip when she returns. |
Holiday Party - A Great Success!More than 50 Rotarians and guests attended our annual Holiday Party and celebrated with turkey dinner and song. District Governor Valerie Wafer and ADG Al Warren were in attendance to join the club in recognizing our local charity representatives. Our charities received their annual donation from our club.
Wonderful seasonal music was performed by talented musicians led by Michael Lloyd.
Eglington club member Kathryn Langley-Hope made a special presentation, a donation to the Rotary Foundation, to thank Past President Milo Vassallo for leading the Malta Trip.
DG Valerie Wafer and Dianne Moore drew the winning ticket for the Spirit Draw. The lucky winner was club member Phil Crawford. This raffle draw raised $2300 for the club.
All in all, a great success and a wonderful way to celebrate the season! |
University of Toronto Students Donate to Tsunami Support Our Students Initiative
The Rotary Club of Toronto Forest Hill was presented with a cheque for over $3 000.00 from the University of Toronto Japanese Student Association for the Support Our Kids Tsunami Fund. Money will be used next summer to assist the efforts of Rotarians James and Chako Matsumoto to provide a Canadian Experience for 10 more Japanese students coming to Toronto.
Important Club Assembly: Dec. 5A Club Assembly will be held tomorrow which will include several important updates and motions:
And much more:
We need your voice! Please attend this important meeting. |
Mathew Bertin of Metrolinx in Yorkville - Nov. 21/13
Mathew Bertin, a Community & Stakeholder Relations Specialist with Metrolinx, will be the guest speaker at our club on Nov. 21. Mathew Bertin is a Community & Stakeholder Relation Specialist at Metrolinx. In this role, Mathew primarily works to build support for the Metrolinx vision and the need for investment in transportation by developing strong relationships with community partners and stakeholders from across the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area. Mathew also oversees a number of community initiatives, including public education programs, shop local campaigns and job training initiatives. |
Mariott Courtyard Downtown Toronto Holiday Special from Erin Pleizier
Erin Pleizier our member came to offer Holiday Specials at The Marriott Courtyard Downtown.
Speaker this Week: Club Member Chan Drepaul
Please join us this week to hear Chan Drepaul do her classification speech. Chan is a newer member of our club and will share her background experiences during her classification speech. Chan is currently a board member and brings enthusiasm and great ideas to our meetings.
3rd Annual Veterans' Remembrance Day Luncheon - Thursday, Nov. 7/13 "Thanking & Remembering" Four local, Canadian Veterans of WWII will be returning to our club this year to join us for our 3rd Annual Veterans' Remembrance Day Luncheon. This event is important to our Rotary club since it provides an opportunity to personally thank these veterans for their contribution while remembering their fallen comrades. You are invited to participate. |
The Spirit Raffle Begins!Tickets are now on sale for this great raffle! Cost is $10.00 per ticket. The prize is a selection of 26 bottles of fine wines, spirits and liqueurs plus a pair of brandy snifter glasses in a handy shopping cart (see picture). If you would like a book of tickets to sell, or if you would like to buy a ticket, please contact Dianne Moore at Please support this great fundraiser in support of Toronto school breakfast programs and Street Health Nursing! |
Pamoja Tunaweza - Together We Can; A Story of Medical Volunteer Work in TanzaniaDr. Robin Verduyn will tell the story of her two week volunteer trip to provide community medical care in rural Tanzania. Dr. Verduyn completed her Doctor of Medicine at McMaster University, and completed her residency in family medicine at the University of Toronto. She has an interest in global health and has been to Uganda and Tanzania on medical volunteer trips. Currently she works at the Toronto Rehab-Lyndhurst Hospital, providing medical care for people with spinal cord injuries. She also works at Blackcreek Community Health Centre caring for new immigrants and refugees in the Jane and Finch area. |
"The Story of Bill 13: an Act to Prevent Bullying and Improve Relationships in Schools
What is bullying? Why is it an issue in our schools? What can we do to improve social relationships among students? Come and join us for lunch on Thursday, October 24, and engage in a dialogue with Marg Connor, Director of the Safe Schools and Student Well-Being Branch, Ontario Ministry of Education.
Octoberfest, October 17A great time was had by all at the Octoberfest celebration on October 17. 30 guests, including Rotarians and their friends and partners, enjoyed music, great food and even better fellowship. Guests enjoyed bratwurst, saurkraut, authentic German potato salad and coleslaw, Black Forest cake, German wines and beers - and lots more. We hope that this will become an annual event for our club! |
Foundation Walk, October 6
President Rod Verduyn, Kathy Verduyn, President Elect Iosif Ciosa and partner Maggie, Sonam and partner Raj, with son Prashant, participated in the Rotary Foundation Walk, held in Newmarket, on Sunday, October 6. Our club donated $1 930 to the Foundation at this event.
Geoff Morgan Speaks on October 3: Building Walls of Wisdom
Activist, educator and idealist, Geoff Morgan has spent over a decade visiting impoverished communities around the world in hope of gaining a better understanding of the causes of poverty. In 2009, he founded Building Walls of Wisdom, a non-profit organization that is dedicated to creating educational opportunities for children living in poverty. In just four years, he has witnessed the incredible impact of education through the construction of schools in South America, Asia and Africa. Originally from Ontario, he holds a Masters degree in education and has taught in Mexico, London, Venezuela, Kuwait and Abu Dhabi. With his engaging stories, he has inspired and challenged thousands of people to create a compassionate world in which all humanity can achieve basic living standards.
District Governor Valarie Wafer Addresses Our ClubThe District Governor shared her leadership aspirations for District 7070 with club members of Toronto - Forest Hill at a recent club meeting. Club members were inspired by her message and her passion for Rotary. DG Valarie also took the opportunity to recognize Marvin Graf for twenty years of service to Rotary. Marv has been an exemplary Rotarian with perfect attendance! Club members joined in congratulating our dedicated member, Marvin Graf.
Stefan Preisenhammer and President Rod VerduynStefan Preisenhammer spoke to the club about money and the billions and trillions of dollars of debt that threaten the stability of world economies. |
"A Second Look at Money" - Stefan Preisenhammer - Sep. 19thSpeech Topic:
Filmaker Yuki Nakamura Speaks About Her Film "Never Forget, Never Give Up"Yuki Nakamura is a filmaker, translator and interpreter who works independently for Japanese and Canadian media organizations. She directed her first documentary, No More Hiroshima, No More Nagasaki, in 2007. Her film won the "National Film Board Colin Low Award" for best Canadian documentary of the year. . |
Ping Pong Tables are Multiplying Across the GTA!
The Ping Pong table initiative, led by Rotarian Dianne Moore, has been incredibly successful. So far, 7 tables have been installed!
Double-lung transplant recipient speaks at RotaryAnn McGuire of The Toronto Lung Transplant Civitan Club visited our club and gave a highly informative lecture on her experiences as a double-lung transplant recipient. She took us through the entire history of experiences from the day she was first diagnosed with COPD up to her transplant operation and recovery. She continues to enjoy a very full life and volunteers as a speaker on the topic of organ donation.
Speech Overview: Ann McGuire’s life began anew on September 20th, 2007. On that miraculous day, her Breath Day, Ann’s life changed. She received her gift of life – a double lung transplant. |
Canadian World Education Foundation - CWEF Tanzania - "Progress Update"It is always good to hear from a Rotary charity partner as update their supporters on their successes and challenges. This week's speaker partners with the Rotary Club of Windsor (1918) in making an impact in Tanzania. Come hear Julie Caron and Aaron Miller of CWEF for a compelling message.
Japanese Student Farewell Party
Toronto - Forest Hill Rotarians joined host families, dignitaries, members of Shinki-Kai, and departing students at James and Chako's lakeside house for a farewell party for the students.
Welcome Celebration for Japanese Student Visitors
Over 40 people, including club members and guests, welcomed 10 Japanese student visitors at a BBQ held at the condo of President Rod Verduyn.
Support Our Kids: Children Affected by the Tsunami
"Support Our Kids" is a 10 year project that supports students affected by the Tohoku Earthquake in Japan. The goal of the project is to support children affected by the earthquake and tsunami so that they can become leaders of the restoration and recovery of their home areas.
You missed it.Dr. Francis Broun being thanked by Past President Michael Lloyd after a wonderful presentation on the history of the Sistine Chapel in Rome.
Look Up! It's the Sistine Chapel - Dr. Francis Broun - Aug 1/13Speech Topic: The Sistine Chapel
Michael Williams-Stark of "Making Faces" - July, 25/13This week's guest speaker will help bring awareness to a Toronto-based organization that is having a positive impact on children with facial differences. Join us and be inspired!
Speech Title: "Let Your Passion Overwhelm Your Fear" The workshops also offer the opportunity for children to meet other children with facial differences and provide a safe, caring environment where they can discuss differences, teasing and related issues. Guest Speaker: Michael used his experience of growing up with a facial difference and then becoming an award winning actor and musician to create a series of improv classes, specifically designed for children with facial differences. These workshops were extensively tested at Toronto’s Hospital for Sick Children, with great success. Michael has also provided workshops at the Children’s Rehabilitation Centre in Windsor and at AboutFace. Website: Making Faces Date: Thursday, July 25/13
"Avoiding U.S. Tax—What Too Few People Know" - Patrick Westaway, Partner - Dale & Lessmann LLPOur speaker's topic for this week is very timely since a number of members and guests will be visiting the US this summer, for business and/or pleasure. Mr. Westaway will provide an overview of tax regulations that help minimize the taxes that are payable in the US. |
SNAP Coverage of Ping-Pong Table Ribbon-Cutting at St. Mike'sSNAP Downtown Toronto covered the Ping-Pong Table Ribbon-Cutting ceremony at St. Mike's and has posted 14 photos of the event in the on-line publication. The event description follows below. Click for photos.
Rotary Dedication at St. Michael's College The Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for the first installation of an outdoor, concrete ping-pong table at St Michael’s College, was held in June and was initiated by Dianne Moore, a member of the Toronto, Forest Hill Rotary Club. This momentous occasion should be marked as a dedication to the community building project service, providing local residents and students with an outdoor, recreational game, a positive pastime with the intention of building up the community. Each table is worth over $3,800 and is a work of art weighing in at One Ton! The Ceremony was followed by a great lunch served in Charbonnel Hall for Rotary members and registered guests. For more information visit: |
New Rotary Year (2013 - 2014)The month of July brings many changes, including a new fiscal year for Rotarians. June 27th was the last club meeting under the auspices of our current board. President Kathy Verduyn took members and guests through a detaled review of this past year's goals and accomplishments in each major area. She concluded the meeing by turning over the reins to incoming President, Rod Verduyn. (When you have a good thing going, make an incremental change and keep it in the family!) Incoming President Rod Verduyn with
Fundraiser for Japanese Tsunami orphans at James and Chako's homeRotarians James Matsumoto and Chako Setoyama once again opened their home to receive members and guests for a back-yard fundraiser. This one took place in their new home in Toronto on Sunday, June 23/13. This was a joint event for members of the Shinki-Kai Japanese Business Association and the Rotary Club of Toronto - Forest Hill. Many local Japanese businesses sponsored the food and entertainment for the event, featuring top restaurants and talented musicians. James Matsumoto, President of Shinki-Kai with
Rotary Outdoor Community Ping-Pong Table Installation & Ribbon Cutting
Date: Thursday, June 20/13 |
Marketing and Business Development - Mr. Iosif Ciosa - Speaker for May 30/13Our Incoming Vice-President for 2013-2014, Mr. Iosif Cisosa, was our featured speaker on May 30/13 and presented his "Classification Talk". This presentation is given by club members on their occupation or area of specialty to other members and guests. "Case study - A New Natural Health Products Supplement Line" Speaker's Bio: Iosif provides services to organizations looking to enter or develop within Canadian Markets. Industries serviced include: ************************************************************************************ |
The Library @ Your Fingertips - Guest Speaker for May 23/13Enthusiastic and energetic Head Librarian, Elsa Ngan, of the local library in Yorkville will visit our club on May 23/13 to update members on Your Library in the 21st Century.
Speech Title: "Library @ Your Fingertips" Speaker's Bio: Web Link: |
Guest Speaker for May 16, 2013 - H.E. Mr. Milam Kollár, Ambassador of The Slovak republicWe are honoured to have H.E. Mr. Milam Kollár, Ambassador of the Slovak republic and Mr. Jan Galoci, Trade Commissioner of the Slovak Republic, visit our club on May 16th to provide valuable information on doing business with Slovakia. Speaker's Bio Date: Thursday, May 16/13 |
President's gala - Photos
Guest Speaker for May 9, 2013 - Amarok Society ("Bangladesh")Bangladesh has received a great deal of attention in the past few weeks as a result of a tragic accident at a garment factory in Dhaka. However, the country has been the focus of the Amarok Society for many years and this week’s meeting is an opportunity to hear about their encouraging work.
Dr. Tanyss and Gem Munro, founders of Amarok Society, have spoken at many Rotary meetings across Canada to tell Rotarians: how Amarok has managed to overcome the daunting challenges of our projects in these dangerous and forbidding slums; about the state of Bangladesh today; the ongoing threat of its ‘Talibanization’, and to thank Rotarians for their support. Speech Title: "Bringing Education to the Slums of Bangladesh" |
An Intro to DNA for Family History
Elizabeth Kaegi of the Toronto Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society visited our club on April 18/13 to present an introduction to "DNA for Family History".
Speaker: Elizabeth A.R. Kaegi , M.B.Ch.B., M.Sc. Speaker's Bio: Elizabeth is a retired physician who has been using DNA tests to assist her in solving genealogical mysteries for the past decade. Working with James F.S. Thomson, she has co-taught two courses on Genetic Genealogy for the Toronto Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society. In her talk, she will briefly review the older DNA tests including Y-DNA and mt-DNA and then discuss the remarkable power of the new autosomal DNA tests for family history, using examples from her own family tree. Photo credit: The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) |
"Shakespeare in Action" at Rotary Luncheon - Mar. 28/13
Last week's theme of "literacy" is carried over into this week from a fun and educational perspective with a visit by Michael Kelly of Shakespeare in Action. Speaker's Bio
Reminder- Fellowship Luncheon on Sunday April 14 2013Dear Members, Our own Marvin Graf, has organized a fellowship lunch on Sunday April the 14th 2013 at The Granite Brewery at noon. Great price all you can eat brunch for just $12.95 and parking is free underground. Thank you to all 20 people who are confirmed and if anyone like to join us please contact Marvin or I, we have to inform the restaurant of our final numbers soon. Address: 245 Eglinton Ave East, Toronto. thank you and see you all there!
Literacy week in Yorkville - Rotary Luncheon - Thurs. Mar. 21Literacy is one of Rotary's six "Areas of Focus" and is particularly relevant to Rotarians. The theme for this week's meeting is "literacy" and the two speakers will provide a local and an international perspective on this important topic. This meeting is also an opportunity for these two current Charity Partners to provide an annual update on their past successes and plans for the year.
1. World Literacy |
Past President Milo Vassallo talked about beautiful Malta
Past-President Milo Vassallo with Past-District Gov. David Ing at the club meeting March 14th, 2013. |
Premiere of "Never Forget" documentary movie at JCCCSunday, March 10-2013 was the Premiere of Yuki Nakamura's documentary" Never Forget" at the Japenese culture centre. About 360 people attended the show and donated a total of $7,600. Kathy, Shannon and Rod were the club members who attended from our club. District Governor Ted Koziel and his wife Maureen came from Belleville to attend as well.
Eric Domville - Canadian Opera Company (COC)Great speaker, Eric Domville, delivering an "ocean of information" about Opera, on Feb 28-2013 |
Canadian Opera Company Speaker at Rotary
Topic Above: Anna Christy as Lucia in English National Opera’s production of Lucia di Lammermoor, 2008. Photo: Clive Barda
Photo courtesy of the Canadian Opera Company Speaker's Bio |
Chinese New year 2013 |
Happy 60th Anniversary!
The Rotary Club of Toronto - Forest Hill is celebrating its 60th Anniversary today! The first meeting of the club took place on November 6, 1952 at Benny's Restaurant in Toronto. The Charter President, Walter Barber, welcomed nineteen charter members to the club. The club's official charter meeting was held on November 20th at the same location. Congratulations to the founding, past and current members for 60 years of continuous service.
Veteran's Remembrance Day Luncheon - Nov. 8/12Veteran's Remembrance Day Luncheon The Rotary Club of Toronto - Forest Hill is hosting the 2nd annual Veteran's Remembrance Day Luncheon on Thursday, November 8, 2012. Four, WWII Canadian Veterans who were featured in the "Yorkville Remembers" series will attend along with members of the Toronto WWII Memorial committee. Our speaker for the event will be Kelly Rankin of The War Amps, who will update members the current work of this charitable organization. Reserve your spot today! Contact Paul Ferri via the link on the left column. Details: |
Minutes & Announcements - US Election - Oct. 25/12A. Welcome and Announcements B. Speaker - Nancy Brant - Vice Consul, US Consulate - Toronto Introduced by: Paul Ferri
Photo: Nancy Brant - US Vice Consul Nancy hails from Rhode Island……arrived in Canada with her family in April. Her background includes a sales career in the manufacturing sector of the American economy. Nancy's presentation included a discussion on Nancy also provided an historical review of the evolution of the two party system The consensus was that the election will boil down to the challenges faced by the United States
C. 50/50 Draw
Minutes & Announcements - Afghanistan - Oct. 18/12A. Welcome and Announcements C. 50/50 Draw
Minutes & Announcements - El Salvador - Oct. 11/12A. Welcome and Announcements
C. 50/50 Draw
Minutes & Announcements - "Canadian Art" - Oct. 4/12A. Welcome and Announcements John concluded his speech by handing out catalogues of the current Morrisseau exhibition, which is running at Kinsman Robinson Galleries until Oct 20th at 108 Cumberland St., in Yorkville. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the first sell-out Morrisseau exhibition by Jack Pollock in 1962, which is being celebrated with the largest retrospective on Morrisseau done by a private gallery, with almost fifty works in total. C. 50/50 Draw D. Closing Announcements & Reminders |
Minutes & Announcements - Sep. 27/12A. Welcome and Announcements C. 50/50 Draw D. Closing Announcements & Reminders |
Bingo Schedule 2012Bingo is the key fundraiser for our club. The proceeds are used to support many local initiatives. Please do your part and volunteer to help with one or more bingos this year! Location: Delta Bingo: 1799 St. Clair Avenue West, Toronto, ON. (South of St. Clair/Old Weston Rd.)
Time: Schedule for Volunteers: 8.00 a.m. to 4 p.m. |
Rotary Welcomes New Member, Leobrun Jean BaptisteThe Rotary Club of Toronto - Forest Hill was delighted to welcome another new member on Feb. 20. Leobrun (Leo) Jean Baptiste is a community organizer and journalist, and is an employee of BMO Financial Group. He has working experience in Canada and the USA in telecommunications, retail, procurement, and project management. He is an active community member and a staunch supporter of projects in Haiti. |
Martini Night at the National ClubMore than 30 members and prospective members met for a social evening of martinis and delicious nibbles at the National Club. It was a lively night with lots of great conversation and laughs. Milo arranged for a beautiful birthday cake for President Rod and led the singing of Happy Birthday. All agreed that we should make this a regular event. Thanks to Milo for being our gracious organizer and host! |
President Rod Verduyn Presents Donation to President of Malta, His Excellency George AbelaDuring a recent trip to Malta by a group of Rotarians and other participants, President Rod Verduyn of the Rotary Club of Toronto - Forest Hill presented a cheque for $1 000 to the President of Malta, His Excellency George Abela. The donation will be used to support the Community Chest, a charity that resembles our United Way. The visiting group was received by His Excellency in the same magnificent room in which heads of state are received. This was followed by a private tour of the palace as well as a tour of the summer residence. This event was organized by former Consul General of Malta and Past President of the Rotary Club of Toronto - Forest Hill, Milo Vassallo. Milo, an enthusiastic promoter of all things Maltese, hosted the group throughout the week as ancient temples, museums, churches and galleries were visited. Two local Rotary clubs hosted the group at their meetings and friends of Milo's received them at their beautiful Maltese homes - for high tea on one occasion and a spectacular dinner on another. All in all, this was a very memorable trip - and one that may be repeated in the future! |
28th November Beaujolais Nouveau NO MEETINGThe lunch meeting on the 28th of November has been canceled. Beaujolais Nouveau Celebration/Fundraiser |
JulieCaron and Aaron Miller of CWEF
Today's speakers were Julie Caron and Aaron Miller, co founders of CWEF. They were thanked by Paul Ferri and President Rod after their presentation.
Special guests at the Aug. 22 meeting included Steve Wilkinson of Barrie Huronia and Ray Mowling. James and Chako thanked club members for their support in hosting the Japanese students and Past President Milo announced that the trip to Malta is a go for November. |
Fun at the BBQ
The students enjoyed meeting guests, sharing Canadian BBQ fare, and swimming in the pool.
Grillmasters at the BBQ
Chris Markle and David Ing were the superb chefs de jour at the BBQ, demonstrating their grilling expertise as they served up scrumptious BBQ fare.
Success of President’s Gala 2013Rotary Club of Toronto Forest Hill Gala The 2013 President's Gala on May 4th Saturday night was a great success. Almost 80 Rotarians, guests and friends, resplendent in gowns and tuxedos, gathered at the Marriott for drinks, dinner, and of course, fellowship. During the handshakes and laughter, bidding on a host of gifts and dinners at local restaurants, sourced by Kathryn Langley Hope and Shannon Smith, was furious and raised hundreds for Rotary causes. PDG David Ing and his wife Helen, a member of York Club, were joined by a large group from the York Club. President Kathy, assisted ably by our own Michael Lloyd who acted as Master of Ceremonies for the evening, spoke of the diversity of our membership and the highlights of our Rotary year. The Focal Point of the evening was the presentation of 2 Paul Harris Recognitions. PDG David Ing presided while Milo Vassallo was recognized for his Club service. Milo, in a heartfelt acceptance speech, spoke to the part that Rotary plays in his life. Then turning the tables on David Ing, President Kathy awarded yet another Paul Harris to PDG David for his continuing support of Rotary Foundation. Music during our dinner and throughout the evening was provided by the Paul Weldon Trio. Many, many thanks to the all who attended and to the organizers. It was a great evening of fellowship and celebration! |
Town Crier Recognizes Milo Vassallo and the Rotary Club of Toronto Forest Hill‘King of Networking’ lands at Rotary ClubBy Christopher Reynolds, The Town Crier August 10, 2010
Milo Vassallo hopes to increase membership, promote Forest Hill club If you’ve got yourself a club — say, the Forest Hill Rotary Club — you’ll want to have an affable, well-connected, fiery type as your president. How about the former Honorary Consul General of Malta, Milo Vassallo?
Yep, he’ll do well. And it looks as though he’s already making his mark. Vassallo took the helm of the prestigious club at their weekly meeting July 8 and followed it up with a fundraising event the next night. That event, held at the private residence of James Matsumoto in Forest Hill, was to benefit the Canadian Landmine Foundation. Acclaimed harpists Andrew Chan and Erica Goodman provided entertainment for the crowd of over 100 guests. The event raised about $9,000 for the foundation. |
Habitat for HumanityCTV Investigative Report Select CTV News for June 7th, fast forward to the 17:30 minute mark |
What is Rotary?
You may as well ask what would it take to change the world.
Rotary club members are volunteers who work locally, regionally, and internationally to combat hunger, improve health and sanitation, provide education and job training, promote peace, and eradicate polio.
Join us if you want to do more than talk about it.
Rotary NewslettersThe latest issues of End Polio Now , Every Rotarian, Every Year , Interactive , Membership Minute , The New Generations are all availbale here: |
What do these people have in common?Linda Lundstrom - John Tory - David Miller - Paul Godfrey - Mark Dailey
Benjamin Tal - Bob Hunter - Barbara McDougall - Michael Bryant - John Arpin
Steve Paikin - Stephen Brunt - Dr. Sheldon Levy - Don Drummond
All have spoken at the Rotary Club of Toronto-Forest Hill
Who are you having lunch with today? |
Someone should do something about supporting . . .The homeless |