Youthlink is a registered charitable organisation dedicated to helping vulnerable and sometimes abused young people who are homeless and needed a place to stay and to recuperate. The Rotary Club of Toronto-Forest Hill decided to partner with Youthlink donated $14,000 to create an environment for the young people to learn and to get back on their feet. On August 22, 2019, 14 members and guests attended the inauguration of the Youthlink library. The beautiful plaque at the door entrance recognises our contribution towards helping the young people to stay indoors in a relaxed environment to learn and enrich themselves and become independent..JPG)
Inside the library are desks with computers and Wifi to help research and learn life skills classes conducted by Youthlink. 
The environment is made comfortable to facilitate learning where there are many bookshelves full of reading material to encourage reading and learning. Funding of this project was made possible by the Bingo revenue the Rotary club earned through participation of Bingo assignments.